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What are customer personas and how can you make one?

The key to marketing is finding your target audience! Thanks to technology and the constant evolvements of marketing tactics, targeting your potential customers has become easier than ever. But how exactly can you find out who your target audience is?

This is where customer buyer personas come in. If you are looking to brand your new Pakistani business effectively and pinpoint your customers, then creating a customer persona will be an extremely helpful part of your business plan. It will also be useful to investors and venture capitalists who want to know more about your business before putting in an investment. Here’s what you need to know:

What are Customer Buyer Personas?

شخصية المشتري الزبون هي تمثيل خيالي لزبونك المثالي. يتضمن ذلك عملية يفكر فيها العمل في جميع الخصائص والسمات والديموغرافيات لزبونه المثالي.

A buyer persona is not a real customer, but a fictional person who embodies the characteristics of your ideal potential customers.

For example, if your business involves producing and selling fishing equipment, then your buyer persona may be a middle-aged man named Dave, who enjoys seafood, lives close by a river or stream, and who has time and disposable income to spend on their fishing hobby. 

The most effective customer persona is one that narrows down your target demographic and paints a detailed picture of your potential customer’s hobbies, traits, goals, location, and spending patterns. However, avoid coming up with an extremely specific persona, as that can narrow down your target audience too much.

How to Create a Customer Buyer Persona for Your Business

The typical factors to consider when coming up with your customer buyer persona includes:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Language
  • Spending power
  • Buying patterns
  • Goals
  • Interests
  • Tax bracket
  • Challenges
  • Stage of life
  • Pain points

Using the above-mentioned identifiers and characteristics will help you come up with the “best-fit” potential customer. That is, the embodiment or fictional character that best represents the types of people that would be interested in your business.

Before you start creating your persona, however, you need to take a deep look into your business and ask the following questions:

  • What problem is business solving?
  • Who would be interested in this product?
  • What is the goal of this business?

These questions can all be answered with your detailed business plan. 

Grow Your Business with Help From the Best Corporate and Financial Services

Now that you know about customer personas, you can include it in your business plan and target customers more effectively. But there is so much more to know if you plan on turning your startup into a million dollar company. That is where we come in!

Here at Metric, we offer the best financial, accounting, and corporate services to help businesses like yours raise millions of dollars in investment! Contact us today to learn more.